Mirror, Mirror, on the wall: Helping Students Find Their True Identity
March 26, 2020 | Leah Lynch
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Helping Students Find Their True Identity It’s everywhere—Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, movies, TV shows, schools, and so much more. We, a collective we—parents, students, and church...
January Reflection
February 17, 2020
Do you ever stop and look back over a month to see what happened, what you did well and perhaps what you could do better? We do that each month as a church to evaluate our effectiveness with changes or updates that have been made but also to get...
Purity and Dating in Today's World
February 6, 2020 | Darrin Simpson
Our Students Ministry wants to help provide resources and conversation starters for all parents and guardians of teenagers. It is all a part of those adolescent years. Let's help equip you to have what you need to best serve those you love.
December Reflection
January 17, 2020
Each month, we take a look back to review all that happened and gauge our trajectory moving forward. In December, we celebrated the birth of Christ with nearly 2300 people! Our Christmas at Kingsway was a day filled with joy, hope, and love for...
What's in a Group?
November 6, 2019 | Andy Lynch
What does it mean to be a part of a Group? Andy Lynch is our Groups Minister and has a lot to say on the topic.