June 12 - Daily Pause
June 12, 2020 | Megan Yoder
Read: Psalm 46:10-11 Reflection: He says, "Be still and know that I am God". How are you with the discipline of being still? I think we all would agree that hitting pause in the business of life and using that time to connect with God is what's...
June 11 - Daily Pause
June 11, 2020 | Kyle Krober
Read: Psalm 139:19-24 Reflection: David poetically pens one of the most beautiful and familiar Psalms of all and then suddenly turns on a dime in verse 19. Why the shift in tone? Don't we often pray in the same way? We begin by...
June 10 - Daily Pause
June 10, 2020 | Leah Lynch
Read: Psalm 139: 13-18 Reflection: You Matter to God. Verse 13 says God knit you together. To knit something together is to weave it. Something woven shows intentionality. You weren’t just haphazardly thrown together as an...
June 9 - Daily Pause
June 9, 2020 | Kevin Wray
Read: Psalm 139: 7-12 Reflection: When was the last time you woke and witnessed a sunrise? As the sun begins to rise, darkness flees. Before it has crested the horizon, you can see into places that were once completely...
June 8 - Daily Pause
June 8, 2020 | R.V. Peter
Read: Psalm 139:1-6 Reflection: In this Psalm, David expresses that God knows him, that He goes with him, that he watches over him, that He created everything, and that the knowledge He has, is too much for David. God doesn't just know...