October 12, 2022
Satisfied | The Mid- Week Challenge (week 1)
November 11, 2020
Can we all confess that we live in a consumer-driven, debt-ridden, advertisement-saturated culture?
As Jeff Manion continues in his book Satisfied - "it will require nothing short of the total transformation to adopt the heart and brain of Jesus." We hope you'll join us in the weekly challenge Pastor Matt walks us through about The School of Contentment, the first section of the book.
If you are feeling convicted about finding the "rightful owner" for some of the items in your home, please consider our local partners. Linked below are the items that each one is currently needing and it includes things from clothing to tools, to large appliances! Help someone else find joy or be served by getting that thing into the right hands.
If you need to talk or pray, send us an email at info@kingswaychurch.org!