
November 19, 2020

Please note - for the latest on our COVID-19 protocols, please visit this page. The content and details below may not be the most current.

As you are probably aware, Governor Holcomb released an updated Executive Order with county-based measures and restrictions based on the impact and spread of COVID-19. After a detailed review of the order and application to our Church as both a business and place of worship, we found there were no significant changes to our protocols. 

We had already planned an update to our Regathering Playbook effective Sunday, November 22, which we summarize below. Although these updates were independent of the Executive Order, they do complement and support the guidance given to us by the Governor and Local Health Departments. 

  • Regathering Playbook Update:

    • Effective Sunday, November 22, we are moving to an expectation that all those who attend Sunday Services self-screen prior to arriving on campus. This supports the change we recently made to the family check-in process. This means there will no longer be a Volunteer Check-in station or checkmark stickers required for those serving or working on a Sunday. 

We will continue to follow the guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC) to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and want your help to support these efforts in the following ways:

  • Wash hands often with soap & water for at least 20 seconds
    If you cannot access soap & water, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol

  • Avoid close contact
    Allow six feet of distance between you and others not in your household

  • Wear a face covering over your nose & mouth
    Face masks are required for entry into our spaces

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes 
    Use a tissue or the inside of your arm followed by hand washing

  • Monitor your health daily
    Self-screening is the best way to remain aware of your overall health

For a detailed review of how to protect yourself and others, check out the CDC's page hereRemember, if you or any member of your household do not feel well, please stay home and rest. You can still engage with your church family and watch live from our website on Sunday morning. 

If you have questions about our Regathering, please send us an email
