Congregation Townhalls
September 22, 2019
On August 28, 2019, Kingsway Leaders held the first of several Townhall meetings. An open invitation was extended to all to come and hear about the state of Kingsway Church. With so many updates with regards to our relationship with Kingway Christian School (KCS), the Church Finances, and our Plainfield land, the Executive Team and Elders put together a presentation to share hitting all of these topics. In addition, leaders from the KCS Board participated, partnering with our Elders to answer questions specific to the school. This meeting helped address many questions that our congregation had and even helped some people open up about hurts that were felt. Many of the questions were addressed this same night which you will be able to watch in the video. However, there were still many questions to be answered which our three Executive Team Leaders addressed in video updates later.
We hope you find this video helpful and encouraging. Please continue to join us in prayer seeking God's will in all that we do here at Kingsway as staff and as a congregation.