What does it mean to "love your neighbor"?
In 2021, we walked through this book, The Art of Neighboring, by Jay Pathak & Dave Runyon, together with several other churches in our community. There is some practical advice on just how we can better love the people who live right next door. We hope you'll join us on this journey to truly love our actual neighbors, with the goal of creating stronger communities along with being better examples of Jesus' love to those around us.
Download some practical tips and ideas that you can put into practice today, here.
We highly encourage you to use this Block Map and go through the exercise. Simply download and print this form. Then you can are challenged to write the names and as many other details as you know about the people God has placed directly around you in your home. This could be spouse name, kid name(s), pets, jobs, any struggles, etc. It is an eye-opening opportunity for God to help you identify where He wants you to go on this journey.
For more depth, visit Right Now Media and go through the group study!