July 22 Daily Pause
July 22, 2020 | Kyle Krober
READ: Matthew 6:19-24
REFLECTION: How can just a few short verses often strike such a nerve within us? Jesus knew that money and possessions would be the biggest hindrance to following Him. If we are wholly His, isn't everything we "have" His as well? If Jesus is not our main treasure, we have not prioritized rightly. Jesus is always more concerned about the heart rather than the stuff. But it's often the stuff that reflects the heart. Ask God if there are things you treasure and value over Him. Jot down anything the Spirit brings to mind. Then ask Him to begin to change your heart to align more with His.
PRAYER: God, give me a heart that keeps You as my main focus and treasure. Forgive me for times I've pursued and valued worldly gain over treasures in heaven. Help me to view all that I am and all that I have as being from You and for Your glory. Amen.