Elephants in the Church | The Value of Life

October 18, 2020 | Matt Nickoson

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page and look deeper into the issue of Life and its value. In the opening pages of the Bible we read “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:27. This is the foundation of the Biblical teaching called “Imago Dei”; which is the Latin phrase to define the idea that every human is made in the “image of God”. 

That is our guiding rule for life: that all human life is special and valuable. Regardless of age, ethnicity, issue, or whether they are born yet… all human life is precious and valuable to God, and therefore to us. Perhaps no subject has created more political controversy than this one.   

We understand that there is a huge cultural and political discussion raging behind this discussion. Anytime those issues are going on in the background, it can make it hard to listen and learn without our bringing certain ideas into the conversation first. As I (Matt Nickoson) sat down to read and study on this subject I read and watched countless articles, journals, sermons, and videos. I left out the most shocking. While those had a profound impact on me, I tried to list only sources that I found helpful for gaining truth and wisdom from both a Biblical knowledge standpoint and from a better understanding of the world standpoint. 

The truth of “Imago Dei” has become such a critical topic for our world today. Whether it’s the problem of human trafficking, providing healthcare for all, protecting the lives of the unborn, creating resources for the poor, ensuring the care and safety of the elderly, or trying to bring an end to suicide – it is a massive topic. Most of these links focus on specifically the unborn as that is where we spent the majority of the message on Sunday.

The most important takeaway for you is to understand God’s heart on Life, and then join him in breathing life into this world. Perhaps through adoption, foster care, ending human trafficking, or perhaps just being a great parent. Whatever God leads you to do, I only ask you to do something! 

Go Deeper with the following articles:

Go Deeper with this podcast of Pastor Matt and two women in our community: 


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7981 E County Road 100 N | Avon, Indiana 46123