July 13 Daily Pause

July 13, 2020 | Andy Lynch

READ: Matthew 5:31-32

REFLECTION: Wow. This is deep stuff! Isn’t Jesus the perfect balance of truth and love? How do these two verses affect you? I want you to know that if you are reading this right now, Jesus isn’t finished with your story. Maybe you have been divorced. Grace is bigger. Perhaps you have been affected by divorce. Jesus’ love can heal all wounds. Maybe you know someone who has been hurt by divorce. God is close to the broken-hearted. And He is the God of new beginnings and fresh starts. Choose today to make the next right choice. Choose today, to come alongside your friend that is struggling. Choose Love. He has a name. His name is Jesus.

PRAY: God, we know your way is always best. We have chosen our own way over yours and it has hurt. It has hurt us and it has hurt others. Forgive us God. Thank you that you haven’t given up on us! Thank you that your mercies are new every morning! Help me make the right choice today. I can only do it in the POWER of Jesus name, Amen.


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7981 E County Road 100 N | Avon, Indiana 46123